He didn't make much (progress). = vooruitgang Study hard ! It's in your own (interest). = belang The (conquest) of England failed in World War II. = verovering This street is made of (concrete). = beton To (prevent) mosquitoes from coming in, close the windows. = voorkomen, verhinderen (Besides) the fact that you are late, you didnt finish your homework! = bovendien The (prevention) of unwanted pregnancies is quite high in Holland. = voorkomen You must (obey) your parents and teachers at all time. = gehoorzamen It was such a (relief) when I found my dog. = opluchting They are about to (face) some big problems. = hun staat.. te wachten Addictions can be of great (affect) on families. = van invloed zijn op; raken I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to (offend) you. = kwaad doen; beledigen The teacher (referred) the pupil to the library. = verwijzen naar The (indifference) of people against poverty is amazing. = onverschilligheid He (suffers from) a very rare disease that cannot be cured. = lijden (aan) The (significance) of the bible in the Da Vinci Code is enormous. = belang The witness gave a very (significant) detail in his testimony. = belangrijk There was no (justification) in the arrest of those children. = rechtvaardiging You’ve passed your test and you are now a (qualified) driver. = bevoegd The mirror (reflects) my image. = weergeven I need more time (to reflect) on the things that have happened. = nadenken She is very much (influenced) by everything Madonna does. = beïnvloeden Wearing a woollen coat in the Summer is (superfluous). = overbodig Can you (afford) to go to the cinema every week? = zich veroorloven I’m very (grateful) for your help. = dankbaar